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I'm gonna need some recipes!


I have to say I'm really happy with our raised garden bed project. A relatively small space has given us quite a bit of food and I'm not even utilizing the space to it's fullest because I'm still getting used to growing vegetables. The eggplants are beyond my biggest dreams for this garden. They just keep growing and flowering and producing. I kinda can't believe it. The plants are big with pretty purple or white flowers and huge leaves that hide the fruit. I bought a variety pack of eggplant seeds so I don't know what all these different ones are but I love that there's purple, white and green ones. I wonder if any other colors will pop up?


Happy Wednesday


We're supposed to get more rain today but it was bright and sunny this morning. I took the dogs on a much needed walk and we ended up jogging about half the way. Hooray! Then a hummingbird stopped to sit near my while I stretched after our jog. Such a nice morning. Now, what's for breakfast?


There's nothing like a test drive


Is this the rainiest October on record? We had a gloomy, foggy summer that we kept thinking would clear and blast us with a heat wave. It didn't and we didn't order the roof. September and October are the locals' summer months in San Diego. These months are usually warm and sunny with big empty beaches free of tourists. But they weren't, they were misty and wet. So between a cloudy summer and rainy autumn here we are thankful for two alternating weekends of sunshine during which we roofed our little hearts out.


I grew dinner


Welcome back to our regularly scheduled programming. I'm not posting another thing about that four letter word that starts with an R until it's done, seamed up, and there's no more steel on my lawn. Did you know I have a vegetable garden? Yeah, I forgot. Totally. I happened to notice it today and found quite a surprise, this Chinese eggplant, a bunch of scallions and a hot pepper. Thanks garden for surviving without me.


Beep beep, oh shit!

beep beep!

The roof arrived! I learned how to drive a forklift and best of all the roof arrived! I may one day life in a home that doesn't rain on the inside. Wouldn't that be EXCITING? It's the little things in life, right?

roof arrival!

The big rig came with our sheets of steel. Zak did a great job of unloading our palettes safely onto the beautiful, green front lawn and driveway.

roof arrival!

But having the roof on the edge of the property wasn't good enough for these men. They decided to hop in the forklift and "just spin the palette around," put the metal "a little closer to the house." But what they managed to do was put the forklift a little closer to the water main.


About a foot into my FRONT LAWN. Oh, how lovely. Maybe I could plant some pansies around it?

And then I had the pleasure of meeting Joe and his giant tow truck.

men, tow truck, forklift

Joe saved my sanity, as you can see by the huge grin on my face while I'm standing in a GIANT HOLE on my FRONT LAWN.

thanks tow truck guy!

a tiny hole

All I can do is hope my roof does not take the same path as my FRONT LAWN and drink gin. Lots of gin.

my "lawn"

So I guess after the the roof is done we're going to redo the front yard? Who's got a sod cutter? Or maybe I should say who wants to rent another forklift and do doughnuts?