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omg. he's so cute!

so cute

I was flipping through some photos and that's what went through my head so I thought I'd share his adorableness with you tonight. Geez, he's cute. Sometimes I think his brain has a few less cells than necessary but he more than makes up for it when he looks at me like that.

I stopped at a traffic light today and thought my car was making strange tink-tink-tink type noises, I start looking all around examining the car. What was that? Do I have my triple-A card? Then I realized it was raining. Ah, the life of a Californian.


DIY: Gas cooktop install

With the upcoming insanity reroof project, I realized that I don't really talk about the crazy DIY projects we get ourselves into around this house. Thomas is a big-thinking engineer and I grew up helping my dad build cabinets and fix things around the house, meaning he dreams it and I plan it, measure it, and cut it. It works well for us.

Here's how we spent our New Year's Eve 2007, installing a gas cooktop in our island. Me, cutting:

cutting a hole!

I'm not quite sure it's going to fit in that hole but we give it a try.

The hole and the cooktop

Now we need to plumb the gas lines!


And, done! Such an improvement over that yellow, ring range on the back wall! The cooktop is still working, no gas leaks, and it's so dreamy! DIY success!



Gutters: Gone

miles and miles of gutters

I don't know if I can actually call them gutters as much as they're just glorified rock holders. Once we cleared the 6 tons of rock from inside them Thomas tore out the 9" nails holding them to the house and I swept the rock into tidy piles. Removing the gutters was really not as tough as we thought it was going to be. Stay tuned for next week where we pelt the dogs with the 2,469,321,898 remaining roof rocks.

man vs. gutters


Here we are

To stay.

Welcome to my five hundredth blog post!

Wow! 500 blog posts, who knew I was that verbose? My mom knew when I was about thirteen and would spend hours on the phone with my best friend who lived down the street, but anyway. I've blabbed about my life, my career, my husband, my dogs, and my projects. And what better way to enter the next era of my blog than announcing the most insane thing I've ever agreed to our next huge project.


my home and current roof

And all I have to say about it is h.o.l.y. s.h.i.t THE ROOF.

I'm all for do it yourself projects. I've built a deck, made a garden bed, painted, sanded, installed, ripped out, spackled everything under the sun and I watch DIY Network all the time but really? A roof? By ourselves? We decided to go with a metal roof, tan steel. It should keep our house much cooler which will be a huge benefit since we don't have air conditioning, and it should look pretty cool too. But, um, a roof? Stay tuned to the Heather Ink network for all the upcoming insanity success! YIKES! YAY!

May my limbs live to see the next 500 posts.


Look into his eyes

hello henry