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DIY: Gas cooktop install

With the upcoming insanity reroof project, I realized that I don't really talk about the crazy DIY projects we get ourselves into around this house. Thomas is a big-thinking engineer and I grew up helping my dad build cabinets and fix things around the house, meaning he dreams it and I plan it, measure it, and cut it. It works well for us.

Here's how we spent our New Year's Eve 2007, installing a gas cooktop in our island. Me, cutting:

cutting a hole!

I'm not quite sure it's going to fit in that hole but we give it a try.

The hole and the cooktop

Now we need to plumb the gas lines!


And, done! Such an improvement over that yellow, ring range on the back wall! The cooktop is still working, no gas leaks, and it's so dreamy! DIY success!


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Reader Comments (2)

Oh! so disappointed, I thought this was a new project on the patio, Ha Ha. How are you surviving the heat? P

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yes, it's our original cooktop... I realized I had never posted about it or many other of our projects from 2007.

We are surviving the heat, we're hoping it really drops off tonight so we can actually sleep!

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

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