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If only this weren't six large

Screen shot 2010-12-09 at 7.58.30 PM

I am in love with this chair from Orvis... maybe I need to get crafty, hit some garage sales and make my own Union Jack chair.


Reindeer games

reindeer dogs

Every year I try and get Henry and Lola to pose for photos in these antlers and I could never figure out why they wouldn't sit still. This year it was three humans and a bucket of treats versus one dog at a time.

After crying with laughter and barely being able to hold the camera still, now I understand why I've never had a successful photo before. Apparently wearing stuffed antlers is, in a dog's mind, akin to sitting on a hot poker and not being allowed to scream.


Our Thanksgiving Desserts!

Thanksgiving desserts!

By popular demand, here's the desserts from our Thanksgiving Feast. The best part of the meal in my opinion! Our original goal was one per person, but in reality seven desserts filled us to the brim.


Our Thanksgiving Feast

Our Thanksgiving feast

Our food spread was incredible this year! I couldn't believe all the different foods we had so I put together this collage to document the occasion. Two turkeys, lots of friends and tons of fun.


What are you reading?

what are you reading?

The Banksy halloween costume is downright awesome. I wish I had thought of it as I have a couple of Banksy photos right in my living room. Or maybe you want to get your iPhone photo hung next to Salvador Dali paintings using the Hipstamatic app. Yes!

I love browsing the internet for articles and interesting tidbits. What are you reading is a small sampling of good reads.