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Happy Christmas

early morning toasties

That's what we had with these toasty warm early morning cocktails. A little butterscotch schnapps, vanilla vodka and espresso topped off with a hefty helping of steamed milk. Maybe you should stop by our place before your next family dinner.


Thinking the clouds away

plants as puddles

You may have heard that it has been raining for days in California, an unusual treat that turned into a travesty. There's tons of flooding all over the state because the clay earth is fully saturated, we're safe here with nothing more than a few puddles on the lawn and filled plant pots. But now it looks like sunny California is back, at least for now.

rain away


An evening at home

Watch out, world. I won a Flip MinoHD Video Cameraat my office Christmas party... Stay tuned for lots of scenes from my fairly average life! Here's a sped up video of last night, I'm knitting, having a glass of wine and watching tv. Make sure you watch for Henry, the world's most annoyingly adorable dog.


What's next?

Lola in the living room

This dog knows every movement in a 10 mile radius of our house. Ok, maybe 10 miles is a bit of an exaggeration but she know every movement we make. She always knows where we are, what we're doing and at what time every neighbor has left for work. I call her radar ears because wherever I turn she's there, waiting, listening, watching. Lola is always watching. Don't doubt it.


Birthday love

birthday love

Who's loving this more, Thomas or Lola?