I like to dream

I wish I had a life list, some people call it a bucket list, but whatever you call it today I wish I had one. I've done so many things this week that could be on that list and checked off that list. Sunday, for instance I learned how to use an air-powered cap stapler. Yesterday, I sealed my house from the rain. Today, I learned to drive a forklift. Tomorrow? THE WORLD.
I don't know that any of those things would have necessarily been on my life list before today, but I'd seriously like to start keeping track of the things I've done and set out goals for things to come. So here in no particular order is my Life List:
Successfully reroof my home | Finish a sweater for Thomas | Learn to surf | See Mount Fuji | Redesign my website to better reflect my interests | Visit the top of the Eiffel Tower with Thomas | Learn to embroider | Hike in the Grand Canyon | Design a line of stationary | Stay overnight in a French chateau | Watch the ISS fly overhead | Eat vegetables only I've grown for 1 month | See the Kremlin | Launch a line of 12 knitting patterns | Teach my dog to heel | Stand on the equator | Eat sushi at Nobu | Run a 5K and beat my best high school time | Become proficient at web design | Write a knitting book | Learn Spanish
I hope this list will grow and I will too. It's good to dream and I don't think I would have laid out these ideas if it weren't for the constant encouraging blog posts by Maggie Mason of Mighty Girl.