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Her morning tanning

Lola baking

Every morning when I wake up and leave the bedroom to put the kettle on Lola struggles her way from the bedroom to the sunlight bathing the ground behind the back of the sofa. And, I'm not exaggerating when I say struggle. It's the most dramatic, lazy walk you've ever seen. She rounds the corner to the light and just collapses to the floor for the next hour or so. After a good bake she moseys back to the bedroom panting to cool down.



what's in there?

I got a new camerafor my birthday and we're all trying to figure it out.


I've always been The Baby


I am the baby of my family and I am still affectionately called Little Baby Heather. Today I turned 30 years old. I'm not really sure how that happened and I'm not really sure if I like it. But here I am. 30. As I told my best friend, Susan, I never really thought I'd turn 30. As a kid I was excited to be a teenager. From a teenager I was excited to jump into my twenties. But I never prepared to enter my thirties. It's a shock to my system and the only thing getting me through is a quip my friend Marian said in conversation, "I can't believe you're only 30, you sure packed a lot in to the first 29 years!" That line makes me think about how I could fill the next 29 years, and that makes me kind of excited. And, I'll still be the youngest person at my party!


Haircut Henry

Haircut Henry

We took the clippers to Henry this weekend. He didn't find it nearly as fun as we did, but I think he knows how adorable he looks!


Millions of Peaches

February showers bring Spring flowers, or at least that's how it goes in Southern California.

peach tree

Meet Peachy. He's so adorable. This is his third year in my yard and every time I look at him I swoon with adoration. He has been through some of the toughest times in my garden. Like when I didn't think I had to water more than once every two weeks because I grew up on the East Coast and you didn't really have to water except in the brutal August heat. It wasn't August, so why water? It's only 18% humidity and we get a maximum of 9 inches of rain per year? Why would I water?

Then he survived my oldest sister trying to kill him. (That's right, Jen, I went right for the jugular with that one. Oldest sister.) Peachy was weak and frail but I insisted he would be great if we could just get him in the ground. Reluctantly Jen planted him but then as soon as I turned my back she kicked him! With a full-force karate-style kickboxing move unleashed from the depths of the earth she spun around and HI-YA!

Peachy held strong unlike so many before him and today he is a beautiful young lad and I hope lots of honeybees come smooch his flowers for Valentine's Day.