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I've always been The Baby


I am the baby of my family and I am still affectionately called Little Baby Heather. Today I turned 30 years old. I'm not really sure how that happened and I'm not really sure if I like it. But here I am. 30. As I told my best friend, Susan, I never really thought I'd turn 30. As a kid I was excited to be a teenager. From a teenager I was excited to jump into my twenties. But I never prepared to enter my thirties. It's a shock to my system and the only thing getting me through is a quip my friend Marian said in conversation, "I can't believe you're only 30, you sure packed a lot in to the first 29 years!" That line makes me think about how I could fill the next 29 years, and that makes me kind of excited. And, I'll still be the youngest person at my party!

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