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Entries in daily photo (136)


How did I get so lucky?

amazing dinner

I had to run a few errands after work yesterday so I stopped by Pelly's Fish Market in Carlsbad for something different. I love Pelly's but it's not on my usual route so I don't make it there very often. The scallops were huge so I bought them as a special treat for Thomas. I brought them home and proceeded to sit on the stool at the counter while Thomas cooked away. How did I get lucky enough to find someone to make me porchini crusted scallops with a roasted red pepper sauce and a side of sweet potatoes on a monday night? Yeah, baby! Score one for Heather.


Hi cutie!

I had the pleasure of hitting a few yarn stores in San Diego today and found one of my new designs in the wild. Graphic design surprise! Whitney by Plymouth Yarn is a really nice blend of cotton and nylon. It's soft and washable...and doesn't it look adorable? Yarning for You in San Marcos has a huge supply With tons of colors. I might have to get a few myself!


Scenes from the garden

the garden

Our garden is really filling in now and Thomas refers to it as "the jungle." It's not quite a jungle yet but it's certainly growing in really well and is hugely better than where we started!

angel's trumpet tree


Lola, the lazy times

I think this week's photo posts will be of Lola and her incredible ability to be dramatically lazy. She's either on or off; ears alert and perky or body draped around the house. When we first adopted Henry we trained him to stay off the sofa and off the bed, and he did a great job. Then we adopted Lola and she laughed at us. We would repeatedly tell her no, request she get down, and here she lies six years later. But I kinda wouldn't have it any other way.


Pinks from the garden

Hello! I've missed blogging and some of my friends have missed it too, enough that they told me to get back on the wagon. So here we go with a little photo post about what's up in my garden. First off is this amazing ruby red sweet corn that looks incredible. Dinner tomorrow evening for sure!

Ruby Red sweet corn

I love how even the silks are pink tinted. We have about a dozen ears and I can't wait to try it. Then there's this beauty, pink tints and all...

Pink succulent

And last but not least is my mojito, a pink straw but the mint and lime are both from my garden! And the rum is even local, distilled by Ballast Point in San Diego. Yay, local!

Mojito with mint & lime from my garden

Yay, blogging! I'll see you again soon, there's a lot to tell these days.