How did I get so lucky?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 5:02PM
Heather Walpole in cooking, daily photo

amazing dinner

I had to run a few errands after work yesterday so I stopped by Pelly's Fish Market in Carlsbad for something different. I love Pelly's but it's not on my usual route so I don't make it there very often. The scallops were huge so I bought them as a special treat for Thomas. I brought them home and proceeded to sit on the stool at the counter while Thomas cooked away. How did I get lucky enough to find someone to make me porchini crusted scallops with a roasted red pepper sauce and a side of sweet potatoes on a monday night? Yeah, baby! Score one for Heather.

Article originally appeared on Heather Ink {Design + Life} (
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