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Entries in cooking (28)


Join me

I have a huge and underwhelming fascination with the idea of doing chores around the house. Laundry makes me crazy. The dishes can make me cry on any given day. And don't even talk to me about scrubbing the toilet. Did I mention I am known among family to have an immense hatred for the vacuum cleaner? I enjoy being at home, cooking and doing domestic hobbies but please, never, EVER accuse me of keeping a good house. I am not a housewife, a homemaker or other such female pejorative. I am allergic to housework. Violently.

Which leads me to my new website, Housework Rules! (to be said with the thickest sarcasm you can slather on). Go, check it out. Find new ways to avoid daily chores with inspiration and products from your favorite hobbies including knitting, cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, sewing and paper. I know I'm not alone. I know you hate housework too.


Pasta Tapenade

Tapenade Pasta

Today my lack of groceries had me digging through the cupboards to find something remotely satisfying for lunch. Here's what I put together.

Pasta Tapenade
Serves two

1/2 jar Trader Joe's Roasted Red Pepper & Artichoke Tapenade
3 Tbsp finely grated parmesan cheese
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
black pepper to taste
8 oz dried shell pasta

Cook pasta following package directions.

In a medium bowl while the pasta cooks combine tapenade, 2 Tbsp cheese, curry powder, cayenne powder and black pepper. When al dente, drain pasta and add to bowl. Mix throughly and dish onto plates. Sprinkle remaining parmesan cheese even over each serving. Enjoy!


Goat Cheese Pasta With Asparagus


I made this pasta dish last night for dinner. It's from one of my favorite recipe blogs, 24 Boxes. I couldn't wait to try it, I love asparagus and most of all I love goat cheese. The sauce is very simple and the entire meal comes together quickly. (I will definitely apply the sauce technique to other meals in the future.) I think I'm going to add some roasted red pepper next time to give more color and some extra pizazz, because we all need more pizazz in our lives!

Click here to download the recipe.


Organic is just part of the equation

Have you ever wondered if how all the organic food in the grocery store suddenly appeared overnight? A lot of the brands you see these days like Kashi and Naked Juice aren't just little independent companies trying to make a go of it. They're part of huge multi-company conglomerates like Kellogg's and Pepsi. GOOD magazine put together a chart to help you figure out who really owns your tofu and yogurt.


Working breakfast

It's not the easiest thing to keep typing over, but when I have a lot of emails to send or work to do I like to eat at my desk. Lately we've been having a soft boiled egg, homemade wheat bread soldiers for dipping, homemade lemon curd and a banana for health.

Working breakfast