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His competitive edge comes from his Gran

Me: I talked to our friends and they're coming over.

Thomas: When?

Me: Tonight, so you can play Wii.

Thomas: I'm sick of the Wii.

Me: Um, it's a little to soon for you to be saying that with how much time and money we put toward getting the Wii.

No, no. I'm tired of it, but that doesn't mean you have to stop playing it. It's really aimed at the casual gamer you know.

I hate to tell you, but you've become a casual gamer.



I was eating toast

I was eating toast

I was eating toast, Part 2

I was eating toast, Part 3

I was eating toast, Part 4

I was eating toast, Part 5


Design of the Day

Orla Kiely Favorites


This orange bag used to walk into my yarn store every other week or so. I was normally very skilled at remembering customers' names but for the poor woman attached to this purse, I only knew her as "That PURSE." The color is amazing bright orange, and each time the purse would come in I would immediately approach its human talk to her about it. Jennifer (I later learned after she switched handbags) opened my eyes to the wonderful and brightly patterned world of Orla Kiely accessories. Kiely has since grown in popularity, expanding her product line into clothing and luggage and by opening a flagship store in Covent Garden, that I must visit on our trip to London this summer!




Design of the Day

Oakley Sunglasses

My Oakleys

I hadn't seen the value to a good pair of sunglasses until I moved to Southern California. For the first few years, I had a string of cheap conquests from Target, but the sun in California is about one million times the strength it is in Pennsylvania, and I'm not exaggerating. One day after squinting my entire drive down the Coast Highway I decided I would splurge for a good pair of glasses and went on the hunt. I went in one surf shop and tried on one pair. This is them. I love them. They are my life. Thomas should give me a Mother's Day gift because of the way I baby these things.


Goat Cheese Pasta With Asparagus


I made this pasta dish last night for dinner. It's from one of my favorite recipe blogs, 24 Boxes. I couldn't wait to try it, I love asparagus and most of all I love goat cheese. The sauce is very simple and the entire meal comes together quickly. (I will definitely apply the sauce technique to other meals in the future.) I think I'm going to add some roasted red pepper next time to give more color and some extra pizazz, because we all need more pizazz in our lives!

Click here to download the recipe.