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A little earlier than most

reaching This may sound ridiculous, actually I know it will, but it's beginning to feel like spring here in Southern California. What? It's the day after Christmas! It's the end of December, we just passed winter solstice, it's cold and dark! Yes, I know. My California garden seems to take hiatus for October, November and much of December, but it seems spring is in the air for my succulents. Flowers are blossoming, bees are visiting, soon I'll be prepping my garden beds for tomatoes. bee on jade succulents

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    Heather Ink Design + Life - Heather Ink Blog - A little earlier than most
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    Response: Rashmi Patel
    Heather Ink Design + Life - Heather Ink Blog - A little earlier than most
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    Response: Link Schwartz
    Heather Ink Design + Life - Heather Ink Blog - A little earlier than most
  • Response
    Heather Ink Design + Life - Heather Ink Blog - A little earlier than most

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