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A bit of today

My day: 1

It's good for me to take a minute and reflect on my day. Since I have a freelance business and a yarn company my days are usually one big to-do list that spills into the next day and the next day and the next day. This keeps happening until the weekend when I sit around thinking about the list of things that needs to be done. It's not a good cycle and one that I'm trying very hard to break. A good way for me to do that is to stop for a minute and reflect on what I actually HAVE accomplished in a day instead of what still needs to be done.

So here's a look at my day today how I like to think of it. There's my keyboard in the background, my pen tablet for design, my planner, the knitting pattern I designed, wrote and photographed and last by not least, my iPhone which is never more than 3 feet away. I crossed 10 things off my list today! I think what I need to come to terms with is that my list will never get smaller so I just need to embrace the chaos and learn to love it. It's a GOOD thing that the list doesn't get smaller because that means I get to keep working!

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