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Decadent, rich and delightful with a side of crazy

triple chocolate mousse cake Let's just start by saying. HOLY SHIT, I HAVE NEVER MADE SOMETHING SO AMAZING. I'm not even going to put an exclamation point because I'm sure you get the idea. Things have been pretty hectic around here recently so I haven't taken the time to blog, and I miss it. I think this cake is worth coming out of blogging hibernation. It's beyond worth it. You need to see this cake. You need to love this cake. It's my new go-to recipe and Thomas has already put it on the holiday baking list. And I have to agree. If I could legally marry this cake I totally would. It's a triple chocolate mousse cake. Wow. Let's just think about that for a second. triple chocolate mousse cake One. Two. Three layers of chocolate. The bottom layer is a decadent flourless chocolate cake that's deep, dark and full of drama. It grips the back of your tongue and holds on for dear life. Then the second layer is a fluffy, rich chocolate mousse that's light and very creamy. Then you top it off with a cool, mild white chocolate mousse that turns the entire experience into edible velvet. We found the recipe on America's Test Kitchen, a cooking show on PBS. We've tried tons of their recipes and each time they've turned out perfectly just like on the TV show. This cake was no exception. I wish I had some more right now.

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