January 2011: The good, the bad & the dramatic

We're barely into 2011 and it seems to be winding up to be a slightly ridiculous year. The first week was crazy with preparation for TNNA and the reveal of my new line of knitting patterns. GOOD! The second week was punctuated with a sad phone call about a good friend's death. BAD! The third week we decided to fly to the east coast for the funeral where it snowed 20" and we had subzero temperatures. DRAMATIC! I got to see both my sisters, my brother, my parents, meet my new nephew, and spend time with great friends. GOOD! Our flight home was packed, we had to sit separately and it was delayed by tons of snow. DRAMATIC! By week four we were both sick and exhausted. I'm welcoming February with open arms and hoping for a lot less drama and a lot more relaxing.

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