Garden beauties

Hot peppers, green peppers, our first avocados, and of course, Lola. The weather has chilled off quite a bit for October and I'm hoping these green peppers can make it to maturity so I can eat them up! I think the next item on the agenda is going to be a better herb garden. I have about seven rosemary bushes and not much else. I'd like to at least get thyme and parsley in there too. Basil will have to wait for warmer weather, and mint is such a weed that I'll have to find another place for it. Now the only detail is actual time.
Reader Comments (2)
I cannot believe that no one has commented on your wonderful vegetables and flowers. Delicious I am looking forward to enjoying the fruits of my labour, very soooon. Wow, it is coming round very quickly. love the photos.
we had our first official garden this year. tomatoes, peppers and herbs but it was a fun start. try planting your mint in a pot and plant the pot. its supposed to contain the roots which should make the plant stay smaller. cant wait to see what you make with everything!