It's been a long January

Warning: Complaining and whining below.
After a too-much-fun New Year's Eve, I spend the first days of 2010 not feeling as good as I should have. Then came Sunday the third. Then Sunday was over and it was Monday. The hardest Monday of the year, the real first day of the year, the one where you have to get back to work. Ugh. Ouch.
I organized my thoughts and wrote every thing I needed to do in a huge list. I was up and headed to a client's office bright and early. Then I had some coffee, and some more coffee, and seven mugs of hot water because... what's that? No, it couldn't be. Am I still hungover from New Year's Eve? No. So it must be... a sore throat! Ugh. Ouch.
I didn't sleep Monday night because it felt like I was swallowing nails. Tuesday I continued to drink and drink because it felt better than having the Sahara on the left side of my throat. Wednesday I lost my voice, but still I worked. Thursday and Friday blurred together with more work, no voice, no sleep and a chest rattling cough. Ugh. Ouch.
Saturday came early. I left bed at 5 AM, because what was the point of being in there anymore? And I had to prep for the Yarn Show! Not only was my sister in town and it's incredibly fun to watch that girl spend money, but I had a client meeting of my own. TNNA came early this year and there was no way a little cold was going to hold me back. I got home at 10 PM too excited to sleep. Sunday came too quickly and while we both agreed we were going to spend the day working we went to the beach instead. Ahhhh.
Monday hit and I just couldn't move. I had lost my drive so I finally called the doctor, got some prescriptions and did only the work that was on deadline. My friend brought us some yummy soup for dinner and I slept marginally well for the first time in a week only waking up twice with weird dreams, like this one I had where a shampoo was specially designed to wash your hair and the soles of your feet. Not really hairy feet, just normal feet. Bizarre.
Today I had to have my car smog check and run out for milk and other food. I haven't been coughing nearly as much and feel like I might one day be healthy again. I've landed in such a rut through all of this and I need some inspiration. I don't think I've been this sick since I was in college and I can't seem to see through the haze. I have to get my mojo back, but I feel like it may never come. I wish I could start the year over again... Help!

Reader Comments (5)
Your illness sounds EXACTLY like the one I had the weeks of Christmas and New Years. First it was a bad asthma attack, then the bronchitis and no voice ... ugh ... but I'm better now and back doing my gym routine. There WILL BE light at the end of the tunnel/illness. Just continue to take your medicine and use an inhaler when your chest is rattling.
Oh Heather, that's awful!! I've been a bit sick myself but I read this article and it made me feel all inspired to get organized and all that good stuff!!
In the mean time just remember that Mercury is in retrograde! It's super silly and stupid but sometimes focusing on something silly and stupid gets me out of a rut. Here's a nice little article on it:
If all else fails, hula hooping and yoga and both good ways to brighten the day!
Tell me Thomas made you hot lemon and honey for your throat and insisted you put up your feet and not do anything for at least a month!!! Ha. love you P
Best wishes while you are convalescing.
Ahh, thank you everyone. I'm finally feeling much better!
Tess - I love the motivational article, I actually bought myself those "rainbonic" calendars right at the top!! I love love love them!