A brief review

I've been thinking that I need to spend some time to reflect over the last year to see how I've filled my time. Then I got all whiny that we didn't take a vacation in 2009 and all we did was work, but I sat down and looked through my photos and we actually did some fun stuff this year. Who knew?
1. I had a puppy party, or two, or three.
2. We replaced our very seventies kitchen floor with a new laminate floor and it was so worth it.
3. I gained a great sister-in-law.
4. I turned 30 and got a new camera.
5. My sister came to visit, but I don't have a photo.
6. We planted a cactus garden with some really cool plants.
7. Thomas' nearly-90 year old granny came to visit us from England.
All in all the year wasn't so bad I guess. Looking back on photos and blog posts not only helps me remember the fun things I've done but it gives me a lot to look forward to for the next year. What sort of home improvement projects will we do, what kind of work will I have, who will come visit, will I get off my butt and start the website I want? Maybe next year's December 31st post will answer some of these questions!
What about you? What are you looking forward to doing next year? Here's to a fun 2010!
Reader Comments (2)
What a great year you have had, I know the trip was the high point of Granny Fosh's year. Next year you need to take a proper holiday/vacation. P
I agree! Should I be whisked off to Bali or something like that?