An unfamiliar noise

Thomas in the kitchen: Hon! The freezer's making a really weird noise!
Me: What? What's wrong with it?
I approach closer.
Me: Oh... No, hon. That's the washing machine running.

Thomas in the kitchen: Hon! The freezer's making a really weird noise!
Me: What? What's wrong with it?
I approach closer.
Me: Oh... No, hon. That's the washing machine running.
Reader Comments (5)
Based on the ENORMOUS piles of dirty laundry posted from previous posts...I can understand his misunderstanding!
Hahahaha this happens at our house too. George will stop in his tracks and whisper "where's that noise coming from?" And he's totally serious!!
I've had to do more laundry because I only have two Jazzercise outfits.
two jazzercise outfits will MAKE you do your laundry more often than previously done ... either buy more outfits or do more laundry - your choice
I'm seriously going to need pictures of these Jazzercise "outfits" you speak of...
Please tell me there is a headband involved