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Farmers' Market in Oceanside

When I woke up yesterday morning, I didn't feel healthy. When I don't feel well I usually try to find something in my cupboards to make me feel better. Yesterday, we had nothing. No healthy food, no milk, no vegetables, no bread.

I decided I needed to change that. I jumped in the shower, threw on some clothes and hopped in the car. I knew where I could find some good eats, the Oceanside Farmers' Market. Every Thursday morning, the city blocks off a section of street next to City Hall.

Oceanside Farmers' Market

It's a small but well stocked farmers' market. There's a fish monger, people selling handmade wares and always quite a few vendors with beautiful flowers. The bouquets previewed the season with rich autumnal palettes.

Bright fall flowers

They were pretty and tempting, but I wasn't at the market for flowers. I went searching for color in other places, like this vegetable stand. I bought two bunches of the beets. I can't wait to cook them tonight.

Colorful produce

I also picked up some swiss chard that I think I'll wilt with some garlic.

Fresh greens

I had my evening menu all planned, but my neighbor stopped by and invited us to the nighttime version of the Farmers' Market. It's more food related than the morning event. There were interestingly exciting booths, like Kebabistan


and Animal Pretzels. (?)

Animal Pretzels?

As good as those sounded, we enjoyed some (maybe not the healthiest) lobster bisque while we listened to the band and hung out with our new friends.

Reader Comments (2)

I hope you're feeling better.

September 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteryo yo yo

Hmmm...hope you bought some of that gorgous cockscomb even though you weren't looking for flowers. And hope you're feeling much, much better.


P.S. This is totally making me miss living there!

September 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoanne (The Simple Wife)

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