My sister Nancy most definitely has an eye for design. We both love the same sort of clean, white, stylized design but our execution has always been in different media. She has worked in the textile and retail industry for years, I have been on the 2D graphic design side. We know what we like but struggle at the other's specialty. Whenever Nancy would visit my NobleKnits yarn shop in Oceanside she would completely rearrange the store, the displays, merchandise and even furniture. I did an OK job, but she could always make the shop look top notch.
Now the tables are turned. I've been posting so many photographs over the last few months that she is getting envious! She went out and bought a camera like mine, I give her lessons over the phone and now she takes her time and considers the composition of her photos. Her new mantra? What would Heather do?
Nancy was as excited about the MiniCards from Moo.com as I was. She pulled her favorite yarns, took her photos and look at her reward:
I wish the whole world lived by WWHD. One day they will.

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