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Entries in photos (79)


In the weeds

In between the working, sleeping and endless jaw gnashing I managed to take some pictures. Not very many but at least there were one or two that I thought decent enough to share. On the plant that gave me two beautiful pink flowers a week ago appeared this white and lavender bloom.

Calla lily

And just for fun, here's a "Behind the Scenes at Heather Ink" photograph for you.

Behind the scenes


What a week!

Last week was such a whirlwind. I had a rush job for a new client and tons of work for my seasoned clients. I worked all weekend and straight into the week. By the time Wednesday rolled around I felt like I needed to start the day with a mimosa instead of coffee. The highlight of the week came on Thursday when we went to a party at the Playboy Mansion, and I must say, if you ever have the opportunity to go. GO. We had a great time.

Playboy Mansion

We arrived at the party a little early so we could see the property before it got dark. After coming in and having a cocktail we wandered around to the different areas. While Thomas was chatting to his colleagues about work I spotted a white peacock squawking at the guests and went over to take some pictures.

White peacock in a tree at the Playboy Mansion

To my amazement there were about a dozen peacocks, white and blue hoping around the grounds between tree branches and buildings. Thomas came over to join me and we ventured down a little jungle path only to find more beautiful birds and tiny monkeys. There was monkey food, grapes and bananas, in buckets by the side of the path. The monkeys scurried over and ever-so-gently reached through the fence to take the grape from your fingers.

Thomas feeding grapes to a monkey

It was like we were in a hidden jungle forest in the middle of Beverly Hills.

Jungle paths at the Playboy Mansion

We then went on a tour of the grounds, led by Lauren, where we saw the tennis courts, game house, guest house and the largest redwood grove in Southern California. Toward the end of the tour we ducked out and went and played with this beautiful lady, Nana.

Nana the bird and me

Thomas and his new girlfriend Nana

She was so gentle and really had no interest in parting ways with Thomas. She groomed my hair and nibbled on his collar. She was a delight.

Enough for now... more tomorrow!


A weekend at home

Come play!

The weather was perfect this weekend, 72 and sunny with a slight breeze. In between working and cooking I tried to get outside as much as I could. I think the pups appreciated it!

Henry, waiting for action

I also found this little gem hanging out in one of my potted barrels. I planted them last year but they didn't do anything. I couldn't get them to bloom, I thought I was a calla lily failure, so I ripped them out. Or so I thought. There's about four new plants popping up and I'm so excited. What's better than a pink calla lily?

Pink Calla Lily


Lunch Break

A honeybee on my salvia


Vintage Madness

Soul Train

Our get-up for the Great Soul Train Party of 2008. Click here to see some more snaps.