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A sampling of history

Have you heard that the entire LIFE Magazine photo archives are on Google now? It is fully searchable by topic or decade. Flipping through one afternoon, these were some of my favorites.

Here's a mod dog house from 1956. It has two rooms and a skylight! I think Lola would love it.
LIFE: dog house

And for Henry:
LIFE: dog house

I love this high-tech girl high above New York with her brand new Polaroid.
LIFE: polaroid

And here's some ladies enjoying a glass of wine in the late '40s.
LIFE: party girls

This photo is from 1944, wartime in London. I know the subject matter is supposed to be the soldier and woman having a romantic moment, but I am far more interested in the Piccadilly Circus signs. Look at that Guinness clock! (If only my house were bigger...)
LIFE: Guiness clock

Last but not least... look who won the 1945 Westminster Dog Show.
LIFE: Scottie dog


He'll be stored in the underground mausoleum

"Ooh, hon! 'Lego Loses Its Unique Right To Make Lego Blocks, the European Department of Justice has decided that the Danish company Lego does not have exclusive rights to the lego building block anymore. Lego went to court after a Canadian firm had made blocks that were so like lego blocks that they even fitted the real blocks made by Lego. The European judge decided that the design of the lego blocks is not protected by European trade marks and so anyone can make the blocks.' DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?"

"It means Lego is in a bad place."

"NO! It means we will soon be able to buy trashcan-size containers of legos!"

"And, do what with those?"

"We could build a structure, a big lego structure in the backyard!"

"Um, no?!"

"Oh, yes hon. We could build a shed! Down in the bottom of the yard! IT COULD LOOK LIKE ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL! We could have a shed that looks like St. Paul's, perfect!"


Another reason to vote

BnJ Poster

As if we needed another reason to vote, Ben & Jerry's is giving away a free scoop of ice cream to anyone who's voted. All you have to do is show them your "I voted" sticker or a photo of yourself in front of your voting booth. Yay! Yum! Hooray!



In case you were confused by what Sarah Palin said in the debate last night, this flow chart from Daily Kos will help you decipher her train of thought.



Slightly obessive

As you may or may not know, I have an undying love for the Sharpie marker. I love the fine point, the ultra fine point, blue ones, pink ones. They're all fabulous. They are littered around my house, there's probably 4 or 5 in my purse at any given moment. I just carry them around with me. I've found myself carrying them in the garden. But I've never done this:


At least not yet anyway...watch out honey!

Click here to see the full $10 basement makeover.

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