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Lazy, sunny Saturday

A sunny morning

Today our plans are nothing. To do nothing. We spent so many weeks working to prepare for our wedding that we feel we get a few calm, lazy days to recuperate. We didn't take a honeymoon so we have nothing scheduled on the weekends of August. We still may go on a vacation but we're not planning anything just yet.

For now we're enjoying all the hard work we put into our garden. I love to wander around and soak it all in. I still can't really believe it's our home.

Here's a little treasure I found today. A dahlia flower that is fading but one petal has been suspended by a spider's web.

Dahlia past its prime


Too much fun

We had a fun evening at our favorite sushi restaurant. Love Boat Sushi is tucked in to the local Lowe's strip mall. We started going there when we spent EVERY weekend at the shopping center.

But now we've become 'family' as they said the other night. We had a fabulous fresh fish with a bit of sake on the side.


Then the owner decided we needed flaming sake bombs, one problem though... they weren't made with sake. Yukon Jack and Sapporo, not a good combo people.


But all in all a good time, great time even.



Great find!

Check out these awesome candlesticks I picked up at Anthropologie!


We were given a gift certificate there for our wedding, and I felt too guilty to spend it on clothes so I found some housewares. (Thomas always explains to me that his purchases are for 'us' ...like a new stereo receiver for 'us'). So these candlesticks are for 'us' ...don't you think he'll love them?

Regularly $28, they were marked down to $3.95! (Shows the ridiculous markup, doesn't it?) I'm pleased with 'our' wedding gift!

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