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Entries in home (188)


How to fold a large tarp

while I try to fold a large tarp

First step: stand on the tarp.

while I try to fold a large tarp

Second step: wrestle for a while.

while I try to fold a large tarp

Third step: allow one fold then play tug-o-war.

while I try to fold a large tarp

Fourth step: lay down for a round of tug-o-war.

while I try to fold a large tarp

Fifth step: relax from all the strenuous activity.


An evening chat with the dog

and evening chat with the dog

Note the adorable tail-wagging in the last frame.


The little things in life

my small glass of milk

Thomas: I'm having a glass of milk. Would you like anything?

Me: Yes, please. I'll have a small glass of milk.


We're having a case of the mondays around here today

even Henry gets a case of the mondays


How does your garden grow?

hello, hydrangea

Thomas always says that our garden grows despite my best efforts. I think that was true at first but I'd like to think the plants are responding to the copious amounts of time I now spend doting on them. Perhaps they are showing off for their portrait sittings. Whatever the reason I'm ok with it.