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Entries in garden (81)


Join me

I have a huge and underwhelming fascination with the idea of doing chores around the house. Laundry makes me crazy. The dishes can make me cry on any given day. And don't even talk to me about scrubbing the toilet. Did I mention I am known among family to have an immense hatred for the vacuum cleaner? I enjoy being at home, cooking and doing domestic hobbies but please, never, EVER accuse me of keeping a good house. I am not a housewife, a homemaker or other such female pejorative. I am allergic to housework. Violently.

Which leads me to my new website, Housework Rules! (to be said with the thickest sarcasm you can slather on). Go, check it out. Find new ways to avoid daily chores with inspiration and products from your favorite hobbies including knitting, cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, sewing and paper. I know I'm not alone. I know you hate housework too.


Little (purple) bunny foo foo

Spanish Lavender

This shrub is called Spanish Lavender, but I think it looks like a field of little purple bunnies.


In the weeds

In between the working, sleeping and endless jaw gnashing I managed to take some pictures. Not very many but at least there were one or two that I thought decent enough to share. On the plant that gave me two beautiful pink flowers a week ago appeared this white and lavender bloom.

Calla lily

And just for fun, here's a "Behind the Scenes at Heather Ink" photograph for you.

Behind the scenes


A weekend at home

Come play!

The weather was perfect this weekend, 72 and sunny with a slight breeze. In between working and cooking I tried to get outside as much as I could. I think the pups appreciated it!

Henry, waiting for action

I also found this little gem hanging out in one of my potted barrels. I planted them last year but they didn't do anything. I couldn't get them to bloom, I thought I was a calla lily failure, so I ripped them out. Or so I thought. There's about four new plants popping up and I'm so excited. What's better than a pink calla lily?

Pink Calla Lily


Lunch Break

A honeybee on my salvia