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Entries in fun (67)


Who's your daddy?

Baby Calvin

Remember this guy? Well, he's now officially a dad! My brother said, in the way only he could, that Baby Calvin "power slid in to the world" early yesterday morning. Calvin was about a month early but mama and baby are doing fine and daddy doesn't look too uncomfortable with the whole thing. In fact, he looks pretty darn comfortable. And that baby looks pretty darn cute. Congratulations!


75 and sunny with a side of flash flood warning


No, thanks!

Clients from Hell

I've heard that before, word for word. Needless to say I didn't fall for it and I ended up bargaining for more hours and more money.

If you're a freelancer or any other type of independent contractor I'm sure you'll find endless hours of painful hilarity on Clients from Hell.


A short trip for a big birthday

A few weeks ago I decided I would be the best daughter a good daughter and fly to Pennsylvania to spend time with my mom for her 70th birthday. Here's my mom and my dad, I think they're smiling extra big because their best daughter is I'm taking their photo. She doesn't look 70, does she? Happy Birthday again, Mom!

My Mom & Dad


Another Year Older


Bloody 'el! The years keep coming! Not that 31 is all that old, but there is something about aging that stresses me out. I've always been the Baby and darn it, I want to stay that way. Ha. Regardless of the fact that I have landed in my thirties now, I had a great birthday weekend. Thomas and I went to Coronado Island for the day and had fun time exploring the little town. We walked to the beach and all around the Hotel del Coronado. Then we had a tasty lunch and a glass of champagne at a little outdoor café.

The next day we had some friends over for birthday dinner where Thomas made one of my all-time favorite meals, Beef with Red Wine and Pears. It's as good as it sounds, maybe even better. Yes, definitely better. Happy Birthday to me!

birthday dinner

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