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Entries in design of the day (43)


Design of the Day

Boygirlparty To-Do List

In keeping with my "lists" I thought this octopus to-do list from local San Diego artist/illustrator Susie Ghahremani would hit the spot. It's not only cute but it's practical. The little "done" and "not yet" bubbles keep you on the path to success. Just think of the joys ...a brown Sharpie and a fresh and fabulous notepad!




Boygirlparty Etsy shop


Design of the Day

Rehabilitated Dishware

Not much stops me in my tracks. This plate did:


Oh! Wow! So! Rad!

Then I hit this one:


Which one do I love more? It's hard to say! The orange is so fantastic, but the other is, well, pink! How are they this amazing? Sarah Cihat scours thrift and second-hand stores for old dishware then adds a modern twist, reglazes and fires them. I'm sure the "modern twist" is making my Mom's head spin. As a matter of fact, I can see fire shooting out of her ears all the way from California. Skulls have never been her favorite thing, so maybe I won't get one for myself.

But then I stumble across a white dish with a wishing well. It just screams wedding gift, Jonny and Pris style.


Click here to see Sarah Cihat's website.


Design of the Day

Made by Tess Reuse Bags

Keeping on the green grocery theme today, I thought I'd show the fabulous Reuse tote made by my friend Tess. I have two of these gigantic reusable shopping totes and I love them. I am fully on the campaign to stop the use of plastic bags in stores, and with this I can get all my groceries in one barely liftable bag.

Made by Tess Reuse bag

I've given many Reuse bags as gifts, but I'm always a little unsure of who will put them to good use. I gave one to my Mom, but I think I should have sent some the way of my sisters-in-law as well. As it turns out, Emily has decided to go green and she's taking her family with her...


Maybe Emily and I should forage our own campaign, the baby can join when she gets a bit older!

Click here to go to Made by Tess. (She doesn't post the Reuse bags on her website but if you mention "Heather's unusual Reuse bag obsession" I'm sure she'd be happy enough to take your order!)


Design of the Day

Arbor Sports

Marina del Rey

Originally I was going to post about this cool tree mural I noticed in Marina del Rey. After a little research I found that it isn't just a mural but a logo for an eco-friendly snowboard, skate and surf company. Arbor Sport has been green since 1995. Pitching the idea of sustainability to their clientelle isn't hard stating, "The hardest kid you know might be eco-minded to his core. You don’t have to broadcast it to live it - It’s not about identity, it’s about choice."

They have cute clothes too, most of which are 100% organic cotton or fully sustainable, naturally organic, pesticide-free bamboo.


Click here to visit Arbor Sports.


Design of the Day

Fabulous Stationery

I love the idea of "Just Moved" greeting cards, though I've never known anyone to actually send them. Who has time to send greeting cards when they just up and moved? I wouldn't even be able to find a pen to address them. (Alright, a pen wouldn't be my problem, finding a clean writing surface would be.) If someone were to send new home cards, these are the ones they should choose. At fabulousstationery.com you can choose the design and color and then personalize it with your address and name. I don't plan on moving any time soon, but I do plan on painting giant numbers just like this on my house. Those little scripty things have got to go!



Click here to go to fabulousstationery.com