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Entries in daily photo (136)


Happy Wednesday


We're supposed to get more rain today but it was bright and sunny this morning. I took the dogs on a much needed walk and we ended up jogging about half the way. Hooray! Then a hummingbird stopped to sit near my while I stretched after our jog. Such a nice morning. Now, what's for breakfast?


There's nothing like a test drive


Is this the rainiest October on record? We had a gloomy, foggy summer that we kept thinking would clear and blast us with a heat wave. It didn't and we didn't order the roof. September and October are the locals' summer months in San Diego. These months are usually warm and sunny with big empty beaches free of tourists. But they weren't, they were misty and wet. So between a cloudy summer and rainy autumn here we are thankful for two alternating weekends of sunshine during which we roofed our little hearts out.


I grew dinner


Welcome back to our regularly scheduled programming. I'm not posting another thing about that four letter word that starts with an R until it's done, seamed up, and there's no more steel on my lawn. Did you know I have a vegetable garden? Yeah, I forgot. Totally. I happened to notice it today and found quite a surprise, this Chinese eggplant, a bunch of scallions and a hot pepper. Thanks garden for surviving without me.


The Roof: Day 2

Today was more scraping, cleaning and most of all repairing. We spent a huge chunk of the day ripping up chunks of the roof. The valley over the garage was our main problem spot where we found our never to be forgotten problem spot, THE HOLE.

the hole

THE HOLE had to go, obviously, but it will never be forgotten. So we demoed around THE HOLE.

cutting out some rotten panels

But the rot needed to be cleared from the whole area.

prybars are your friend

there's lots missing

THE HOLE turned into a beautiful skylight for the garage, so architectural!

what a nice skylight in the garage

But then... WOW!

problems fixed!

I'm kind of amazed every time I look at those boards. I can't believe we really got it all patched up and it looks great! We also managed to clean the back of the roof and put down the underlayment. But I don't have a good photo of that because the guy were yelling at me to get back to work! More tomorrow, if I can move.


omg. he's so cute!

so cute

I was flipping through some photos and that's what went through my head so I thought I'd share his adorableness with you tonight. Geez, he's cute. Sometimes I think his brain has a few less cells than necessary but he more than makes up for it when he looks at me like that.

I stopped at a traffic light today and thought my car was making strange tink-tink-tink type noises, I start looking all around examining the car. What was that? Do I have my triple-A card? Then I realized it was raining. Ah, the life of a Californian.