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Never make assumptions when talking to him

While selecting which potato chips we would buy:

Ooh, let's get the "Chipotle Chili Barbeque."

Thomas: But they're organic!

Buying organic is a negative to you?

Thomas: Naturally.


Design of the Day

Urban Landscapes


London-based artist Snowden Flood created these fabulous city-scene silhouettes. My favorite is this one, titled "Motorway." I love the crisp white on pink design and there's just something about straight lines that makes me swoon.


Plates available at Three Potato Four.


Design of the Day

Vintage Plastic Cups

Vintage plastic cups

I love to hoard things from old people, especially old people I know. I love old tea towels and whenever I use an old purse I cautiously open it to see if something special has been left inside. This cup is part of a set with both short and tall versions. I love the loosely filled sketchy crayon lines. Grandma had some rad stuff.


Next you'll be buying slouch-socks

OK, OK, here's what I really look like when I go to Jazzercise class.


HA! But, apparently I am on the cutting edge of cool over here. Jazzercise and other aerobic workouts like it are making a resurgence and they're doing it in the mecca of all things cool, New York City. New York magazine recently ran a feature about Eighties-inspired fitness classes happening all over NYC. Author Sarah Bernard spells it out, "Just as bat-winged sweaters and pegged pants are reappearing on runways, classic cardio burns from the eighties are back in fashion, too. The primary appeal: They’re simple and they make you sweat."

And, I swear it's tons of fun to wear a purple thonged leotard.


My Wiikend

Here's the guys playing our new Nintendo Wii, slippers and all.

Rocking the Wii

Rocking the Wii

P.S. - I rearranged the living room furniture for optimal game play.