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Daily Photo

Snack time

Continuing on the theme that these dogs are really treated horribly around this house, here they are slurping chicken from the cutting board. It's a hard knock life.


Daily Photo

Dogs have the toughest life in this house. Really, they need to reconsider us as parents.


Perfect palettes

I'm working on a new design for a client and it a project that is an unusual challenge for me. I have to design a label for a product that is used for children but marketed at adults. The client wants something sophisticated but still reminding the customer of babies. I am working on various type treatments but the thing that is really hanging me up is the color palette. The product comes in a variety of baby colors so I need to find something that doesn't compete with the product but compliments it. In a case like this I turn to kuler.

kuler is a powerful color palette creator invented by Adobe.

kuler color adjuster

You can create a palette based on analogous colors or various other color rules or just get crazy with a custom creation. The web app then lets you rearrange the colors, view the color palette small and large and also download it to use in all Adobe design applications.

kuler palette


Scrabble anyone?

Scrabble anyone?

Now I understand why my husband is always so insistent on winning every game of Scrabble, he's terrified of the alternative.


Another reason to vote

BnJ Poster

As if we needed another reason to vote, Ben & Jerry's is giving away a free scoop of ice cream to anyone who's voted. All you have to do is show them your "I voted" sticker or a photo of yourself in front of your voting booth. Yay! Yum! Hooray!