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Christmas cheer

I got a pink tree! Hooray!

Pink tree!


Things change for a reason

I always said I would never have an artificial tree in my home but I just got the Christmas tree of my dreams. I set it all up and arranged the branches. Photos tomorrow! Be excited. Very excited.


An open letter to Jezebel.com

Dear Jezebel,

I really hate your new layout. I love your content and have been reading your website since you were just an infant. You write articles about topics I think about and subjects that come up over coffee with friends. I frequently email your articles to loved ones. I love the Dirt Bag for my celebrity gossip needs and I belly-laugh every Friday with the Pot Psychology videos. Your stories are sharp and to the point, never filled up with unnecessary blabber. Your news articles are focused on the people and causes I like to read about each day. Your content applies to me, I am your target market, but I just don't know if I we can keep this love affair alive.

I've tried to love your new layout but it has no focus, no hierarchy of information. The article titles are lost among the post times and the most current comment. On the old Jezebel, articles had pop and interest, curious photos and quick, tasty article bites. Today, every article appears to have the same importance and they all seem boring.

I used to read your website every morning and every evening to catch up on the news and to find a funny or interesting read. But your new site is so uninteresting it no longer excites me. I think we might have to divorce if you don't fix this troubling matter. I'm sad, but this is reality.

Take care,


A sampling of history

Have you heard that the entire LIFE Magazine photo archives are on Google now? It is fully searchable by topic or decade. Flipping through one afternoon, these were some of my favorites.

Here's a mod dog house from 1956. It has two rooms and a skylight! I think Lola would love it.
LIFE: dog house

And for Henry:
LIFE: dog house

I love this high-tech girl high above New York with her brand new Polaroid.
LIFE: polaroid

And here's some ladies enjoying a glass of wine in the late '40s.
LIFE: party girls

This photo is from 1944, wartime in London. I know the subject matter is supposed to be the soldier and woman having a romantic moment, but I am far more interested in the Piccadilly Circus signs. Look at that Guinness clock! (If only my house were bigger...)
LIFE: Guiness clock

Last but not least... look who won the 1945 Westminster Dog Show.
LIFE: Scottie dog


My pad

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