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styled for summertime

I attacked Henry with the clippers yesterday in an attempt to help him stay cool on hot summer days. And while this isn't the most even cut I've given him it sure is the cutest. I just had to share his happy little puppy face with you.


There's no saying no

Lola and her new toy

...when Lola makes these eyes. You are under her control, and she says you're going to play. Right. Now.


After a long evening walk

after a long evening walk

These two were wiped out and happy to get some water and scratching and I was happy to try out my new camera lens!


Absolut-ly brilliant

18th & castro., originally uploaded by heather.

The Absolut ad series was iconic and in full force during my formative years. I hadn't thought about them for a long time and I think this oil spill version is the best one I've ever seen. I love a good politically charged piece of street art.


World Cup Bracket System

Are you keeping track of the 2010 World Cup? I'm not a sports fan but I would be if there were more posters like this one! It's designed to help you figure out who will play whom next and how they will all advance. For a limited time, you can download and print the full 30x20" version from Meja Design and pencil in the winners. Go USA!