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Sally Melville

If you're a knitter you definitely recognize the Knit Stitch. I've taught lots of things out of this book, read the lesson, and learned lots of things. I've also thought it to be a bit strange style-wise. I never imagined I'd have the pleasure of listening to Sally Melville herself speak.

Sally Melvile: knitter extraordinaire

She's a very intelligent and articulate woman, discussing knitting and how it moves you to be patient. She didn't give the typical knitting guild trunk show but rather an inspiring talk about how knitting not only relaxes, but motivates and brings people together. How knitting isn't about the time you put into a project but rather the love of knitting. How knitters are the only people that are excited the doctor is running late.

A positive speech capped off with this quote from Albert Einstein: "The most significant decision we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe."

I totally agree.


Heart patients to get valves grown from their cells

What an amazing discovery! Click here to read the entire article.


Only in America

A beer

This has to be the most bizarre thing I've come across in this marketing mecca we call America. Printed potato chips? Why? Are NASCAR fans to dumb to remember who to cheer for while they sit on their couch watching cars go round and round a big circle? They're going to look down at their chips and change their weak mind "Go Dale, uh... er... I mean... oh, yea! Go Jimmy Johnson! Come on kids, yell it loud, go Jimmy!"

They are too dumb, but this is just overkill.

Printed Pringle


Long weekend

A geranium

We're having a heatwave here in sunny SoCal. It's over 90 degrees and for us that's just plain HOT. We haven't had a heatwave like this in over three years, when I distinctly remember the local TV weather girl attempting unsuccessfully to fry an egg on the pavement. San Diegians just don't understand heat. The enormous Pacific Ocean acts like a giant air conditioner keeping our temperatures mild most of the year. We're a lucky bunch, except this week.

The dogs on the other hand cannot understand what is going on. Spread flat on the cool tile floor for the better part of the day, Henry only ventures outside when imminently necessary.

Trotting outside for the morning

We too did not spend the day in our garden. At the peak heat of the day I found Thomas laid on the cold tile floor next to Henry, with a mojito dripping intervenously into him.

At a few lucid points we managed to do some work around the house. Our goal today was to do the worst thing adults need to do, sort paperwork. Vomit. But to make us feel better we went to Fry's Electronics and bought an industrial shredder. Very exciting.



A warm evening

It was a beautiful evening on the patio, perfect for drinks. I love a good dirty martini and we were given these awesome martini glasses for our wedding. Cousins know exactly what you need!

Evening martini

Thanks Sue and Mark! Perfect!

: :: ::: :: :

Thomas' Special Dirty Martini:
Olives with juice

Fill a cocktail shaker half full with ice. Pour a small amount of vermouth over ice and discard immediately. Pour 3 oz vodka into shaker and shake vigorously. Decant into martini glass. Add a splash of olive juice and two olives. Enjoy!