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Now with the worst logo I've ever seen

The global branding agency Enterprise IG has relaunched its identity. Dubbing itself The Brand Union, it sets the bar high. Here is their new logo sitting atop their previous.

So who told them to go ahead with this logo? It's hideous and down right illegible!

Here their website expounds on the ideas of brand mastery. "Part science, part art," it begins. "Knowing the measure of each in the building of a brand is the key to mastery. Lean too far to the right and you get creative flair without a strategic perspective. But lean too far to the left and you get strategy without beautiful execution. So you need a healthy balance between the two sides—a dynamic tension that’s vital for building great brands."

Balance? Between two sides? They missed all their own key points. The logo does not have any creative flair or so called beautiful execution. Maybe they just went for tension.

Then for added vomit potential they hit you over the head with the idea, that yes, they ARE A GLOBAL BRAND.

: :: ::: :: :

Brand Union website. Link.

Advertising Age article. Link.


It's for my health

Beer for health

Have you seen the studies by Spanish scientists that say beer is better than water? Well, it's better after exercise anyway. Beer replaces lost calories and helps prevent dehydration. Oh, and those tiny bubbles even help quench thirst.

I'm in love. What a better way to motivate me to walk the dogs?

: :: ::: :: :

Click here to view the entire article.


A new foot forward

It's the beginning of November and I think I am motivated to make some change. Tess has been making lots of little strides forward as of the first of the month. She has decided to take a photo of herself everyday for 365 consecutive days (a Flickr thing), and is also taking an hour out of her day to do something therapeutic. It was the later of the two that kick-started my ambition today. Why can't find an hour or even a half-an-hour to take care of myself.

I am not going to diet. I am not going to cut out alcohol. I don't drink Coke anymore, maybe a can a month and for a member of my family that counts and none.

Therefore, best way I know how to take care of myself is by running. I was on the cross country team in high school and really enjoyed it, but I have never run consistently since graduating. I don't have any outrageous goals of a marathon, ala Katie Holmes, but I would like to drop the ten pounds I've put on since my wedding. Well, it's not actually ten extra pounds as much as its healthy muscle rapidly disintegrating into flabby arms and thighs.

I'm not alone in this mission, the three of us are in this together.


These two fuzzies have to be my motivation, and maybe all of my friends in cyberland do too. You will have to hold me accountable. Please, remind me. Motivate me some more. I need it. Really, you should see these thighs. I will post weekly updates of how many miles I have walked/run in a given week. And, to kill two birds with one stone, I will post this on Sundays, just for Kelly who complains that I don't post everyday. (...complains by calling me a 'slacker' and this has taken its toll on my psyche in such a way that I cannot go on living until I make a post JUST FOR KELLY.)

Here we go:
Week 1
Walking, 2 miles
Running, 1/2 mile


Groovy orange vase

I'm not much of a garage sale fanatic, but Jane called me this morning to let me know our neighbors had some cool vintage stuff splayed on their lawns. With Thomas still asleep, I threw on some jeans, grabbed my coffee and headed over.

Check out this vase I picked up! It's groovy, in every sense of the word, isn't it?

Vintage orange drip vase

I love the irregular drippy top. The bright orange of the body fades out to lighter orange on top and bottom, and look at those cute little nubby feet! Thomas is going to love this find!


My first write up!


Tara over at graphicdesignblog.co.uk wrote a great article about the evolution of her portfolio. She gave me a nice link right in the middle of the paragraph on a print design portfolio, referring to this article I wrote. She has some great ideas about moving your portfolio forward as your design style changes and grows. Go check it out, here.

Thanks, Tara!