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Comedian is living in an IKEA store

Comedian Mark Malkoff decided to call up IKEA Paramus to see if he could move in while the apartment he shares with his wife was being fumigated. Shockingly, IKEA said yes! His wife, on the other hand, is staying with family in upstate New York.

This week he moved in to one the 'homes' in the upstairs showroom. Customers come and visit him, he makes people take off their shoes before entering his home and it looks like he's generally having a really fun time!

Mark is posting videos on his website: Mark Lives in IKEA

Thanks Jennifer!


Coke to Get Deluged By Anti-Water-Bottle Campaign

Incoming Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent will be receiving quite the welcoming gift come July. Mark DiMassimo and Eric Yaverbaum are planning to deliver 1 million used water bottles stuffed with messages to Mr. Kent as part of an awareness campaign they call Tappening. The campaign aims to encourage consumption of tap water...

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Cute little tiny Lola teeth

Little teeth!


What fun would his life be without me to brighten it up?

On our way out the door for some breakfast at the Beach Break Cafe, Thomas was ready to go and I was not moving as quickly as he would have liked. He muttered something along the lines of, "Get your 12 colored outfit in the car!"

Sitting down behind the wheel, I glanced down at my ensemble. "It's only 11 colors," I mumble.

"What's that? No, I don't think so. Look here, I can't count five shades of pink just on your raincoat. Then there's one, two on your scarf, that's seven. Your shirt, cardigan, and jeans, there's three more. Oh, and your shoes? Eleven and TWELVE!"

A dozen colors


Sunny lemons

In a moment of calm during the massive rainstorm that has been bashing the west coast, I scurried outside and picked four ripe lemons from my new lemon tree.

Lemons! Fresh from my tree

Of course, with every lemon I pulled from the tree would cause the branch to snap back and soak me with water droplets, but nothing makes you feel sunny like some fresh lemons. And, nothing tastes better than those lemons turned into lemon curd.