My parents sent me this great book about square foot gardening and I love it. It's an old Rodale Press book that talks about maximizing the vegetable plants in the space you have. Perfect.
An aside: I'm sure my parents dug this book up from the closet-from-hell. Does your family have a closet-from-hell? A closet that lurks in your parents' home with tons of family stuff that nobody wants to sort through? That is the closet-from-hell. Where hidden book treasures are stuffed. Thank you for the closet-from-hell.
I put together a plan for the new veggies according to Mr. Bartholomew's square foot plan which allocates a certain amount of space per seedling. One square foot per bell pepper plant but nine spinach plants per square.
On the top is my coded plan for what I thought we might plant, below is Thomas' rework for what actually got planted. We did ruby red sweet corn, rainbow heirloom tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, carrots, spinach and bibb lettuce. I can't wait until it all sprouts!